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My  programs provide practical speaking and listening tools that can be immediately applied to professional, social, and personal settings. 

What will you gain from communication coaching? 


You will feel prepared for all your speaking situations.   

You will feel in control of your verbal and nonverbal communication.

You will have the skills to connect in a genuine, credible, and confident manner.

Skills we can work on together:

*  Practice presenting at meetings

*  Rehearse pitches to clients

​*  Control anxiety

*  Organize a presentation

*  Prepare for a promotion

*  Improve listening ability

*  Enhance delivery skills

*  Develop engaging lessons

*  Reduce vocal fillers, "um"

*  Prepare for an interview

How are the programs structured? 

My presentation style is conversational and interactive.  Sessions are designed to be fun and productive and include group WORKSHOPS, KEYNOTES, and INDIVIDUAL coaching.

Programs can be hourly, half-day, or full-day, based on your needs and criteria.

Where are the programs offered? 

Group programs are available at your site or virtually, via Zoom.

Individual and small group programs are available in Summit, NJ, Bucks County, PA, or virtually,  via Zoom.

What kinds of programs are available? 

Topics are tailored for your needs.  Topics include public speaking, listening, and interpersonal skills focus.




Group Workshops

Workshops provide groups with introductions to communication topics, or deeper dives into specific skill building activity.  


Keynotes combine motivational energy while sharing practical communication tools and strategies. 


Individual Coaching

You decide your focus points and program length.  Some clients need a quick, 1-3 session program, to fine-tune and rehearse an upcoming presentation; others are looking to develop their skills over an extended period.


Individual Coaching

Program Topics

Public & Interpersonal Communication

At the conference table on stage, or virtually...

One-on-one preparation to speak at in-person and virtual business and social functions.   Learn how to organize your thoughts and use verbal and nonverbal communication to establish credibility and connect with others.  

Speech Preparation

Do you have an upcoming speech?

Whether you don't know where to begin, or need help fine-tuning your presentation and delivery, coaching can help you organize your thoughts to ensure a strong introduction, effective flow, memorable conclusion, and compelling delivery to engage your audience.  

Impromptu Speaking

Can you say a few words..?

Learn how to quickly organize your thoughts and be able to respond to and take advantage of opportunities to speak impromptu.

Interview Skills

Prepare to get the job

Learn how to make a good first impression, how to organize your thoughts, and to manage your nonverbal communication. Practice responding to questions to ensure you present yourself as a confident, credible candidate.


Is poor listening impacting your job? Your life?

The quality of your listening can impact your success in all professional and personal relationships  including in negotiation, conflict, and persuasion.  Listening is the basis 

of effective communication and yet most people are never taught this crucial and challenging skill. Discover your stregnths and weaknesses as a listener and learn ways to enhance your abilities and improve all your relationships.

For more information

Group Workshops

Program Topics

Public Speaking 

Present to 1 or 100's

Learn how to organize your thoughts and use verbal and nonverbal communication to establish credibility and connect with others at meetings, on stage, or teleconferencing.

Team Synergy

Does your team need to Be Compelling?

Make sure your team is cohesive, dynamic, organized, and succinct.  Perfect delivery, speech organization, and visual aids.

Team Building & Listening Circles

What is the climate at your workplace?

Develop group cohesiveness that will enhance productivity by participating in fun, engaging activities.  Discover how incorporating communication structures, such as, Listening Circles, can change how your team functions.

Listening Works!

Listen to Connect

Create a listening focused culture and 

improve productivity and overall workplace effectiveness by connecting with and understanding colleagues and clients.  This workshop focuses on developing your listening skills, as well as considering ways to communicate to improve other's ability to listen to you.

Say It Without Words

Establish Friendly Confidence

It's about how you say it.

This workshop focuses on the power of nonverbal communication to establish credibility and connect with others.  The focus is on how you say it.  Learn how nonverbal communication can enable you to project charismatic, approachable, confidence.

Listening Circle

For more information

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